Saturday, September 22, 2012

Time Management, Sticky Notes, Reminders, To Do Lists... Oh my!

It was seven thirty a.m. "Monkey Bread, Laundry, Groceries, Dishes, Homework..." My "To-Do" list goes on. It should include a shower in there for me, and perhaps maybe some time to dance and be silly with the kiddos. However, now I look at the clock and E has already decided that she wants to be boss of the household, and L has decided he wants to be needy and how dare I want to do the laundry, especially alone.

I feel like I rely heavily on E to help maintain L's happiness when I need to do something that can't be guided by the excitement of a 14 month old. Maybe that's wrong... I don't depend on E too much to the point I know that it's unnecessary, but tell me, how on earth do I load the laundry, take a shower, and keep the wee one's out of trouble? I'm sure there is a system, and a time management guru out there that tells me that I simply don't plan my day and I don't stick to it. Shhh! Who does? Oh... you? *sheepish grin*

I thought I'd pop on here real quick to get a few ideas. How do you keep it together Saturday mornings? How do you make sure the house looks like it gets cleaned every once in awhile without losing your head about picking up those blocks *again*. How do you make sure that you look put together when you leave the house for the day with 2-3 kiddos in tow? Or do you just leave without make up, a stained shirt and sweats?

Would love to hear some ideas about how you keep it all together, or at least make it look that way. :) I'll repost some of your guys' answers to hopefully give other reader's an insight!

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